1. Hijran Rafiyeva Determination of heavy metals in the western lands of Azerbaijan Bakı Universitetinin Xəbərləri, Təbiət Elmləri Seriyası, №3,s.143-150
  2. R.Agayeva, B.G.Mammadova, Sh.A.Naseri, E.E.Jabbarov, S.G.Mammadova, Ch.M.Shabanova, Kh.L.Rafiyeva,E.M.Aliyev
  3. Study of the mutual effect of phosphorus-conraining fertilizers and clay minerals of aluminosilicate type on the productivity of agricultural products and the ecological condition of brown- brown soilsAzərbaycan Kimya Jurnalı, №2,s. 120-123
  4. L.Rəfiyeva, Z.R.Ağayeva, C.Ə.Nağıyev Təbii süxurlar və torpaq nümunələrində radionuklidlərin alfa spektrometrində təyini AMEA Gəncə bölməsi, Xəbərlər Məcmuəsi, Gəncə
  5. Elmina Gadirova Photochemical reactions in the TiO2 and N-compound system Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2023, s.36-43
  6. Elmina Gadirova Pollution Levels of Different Areas of the Caspian Sea Russian Journal of General Chemistry,2023, vol.93, No13, p.3143-3147.
  7. Fargana Safar Aliyeva, Vusala A. Aliyeva, Mehmet Akkurt, Sema Öztürk Yıldırım, Ajaya Bhattarai Synthesis and crystal structure of catenapoly{2-[(E)-(1-cyano-2-imino-2methoxy-ethylidene)hydrazinyl]benzenesulfonato}sodium]-di-μ-aqua] dehydrate] Acta cryst ecrystallographic communications
  8. Elmina M. GadirovaProcesses in chemical technology Processes of Petrochemistry and oil Refining, 24, No.1, 2023, p.66-76.
  9. M.Abbasov, S.R.Hajiyeva, F.A.Amirov, E.M.Gadirova Role of synthesized graphene oxide in water purification Processes of Petrochemistry and oil Refining, vol.25, No.2, 2023, p.53-63.
  10. Elmina M.Gadirova Ecologically important photochemical reactions Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences,2023, vol.8, No.1, 2023, p.36-43. WoS, CABI
  11. Elmina Gadirova Pollution level of oil industrial water samples Water and Water Purification Technologies. Scientific and Technical News, Poland, 2022, p.57-63.
  12. Fargana Safar Aliyeva Stady of copper(II) complex formation of its microquantities in river water.Azərbaycan Kimya Jurnalı
  13. İ.Bayramov Synthesıs of a new guanıdıne derıvatıve and ıts research as a corrosıon ınhıbıtor to solve corrosıon-envıronmental problems ın the oıl and gas ındustry Konya mühendislik bilimleri dergisi, Tükiyə
  14. İ.Bayramov SYNTHESIS OF N1,N1,N3,N3-TETRA(N'1,N'1-didesoximethylazone-N'- monodesoxymethylazone)quanide compound and research as a corrosion inhibitor AURUM mühendislik sistemleri ve mimarlık dergisi, Türkiye
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 1-ci mərtəbə, 2 otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
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