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- Sevinj R.Hajiyeva, Elmina M. Gadirova , Nedim Ozdemir ,Osman R.Ishik,Ulviya N.Rustamova. Investigation of photo-chemical reactions in the GO+TiO2 and nano- Al2O3 Journal of Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences(çapdadır)
- Sevinj R.Hajiyeva , Elmina M.Gadirova ,Ulviya N.Rustamova ,Evgeniy Gerasimov,Nedim Ozdemir,Samira T.Mehdiyeva. The level of organic toxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems. Bulletin of the National University of Water Management(çapdadır) http://journalseeker.researchbib.com
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- Elmina Musrat Gadirova.Photochemical reaction in the participation of TiO2 nanoparticles and ethyl-3,3,5,5-tetraciano-2-hydroxide-2-metil-4,6-diphenyl cyclohexane carboxylate. Azərbaycan Kimya Jurnalı, 2021,№2,səh.101-105. https://www.akj.az
- Sevinj R.Hajiyeva, Elmina M.Gadirova ,Xaliga F. Jafarova.Determination of phenol and phenol derivatives in water samples taken from the Caspian Sea. Joural Alchemist,Tashkent,2021, vol. 3, issue1, p.8-12. https://tadqiqot.uz
- Sevinj R.Hajiyeva, Elmina M.Gadirova,Abidat A.Musayeva. Determination of PAHs in waste water. Journal Alchemist, Tashkent,vol.3, issue1, 2021, p. 3-8. https://tadqiqot.uz
- Sevinj R.Hajiyeva, Elmina M. Gadirova , Konul A. Nuruyeva. Determination of pesticides in some berries. EUS,Moscow, 2021,№9(90). Том 1, c.22-25. euroasia-science.ru